Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Melbourne Arts Festival

I'm in Melbourne indulging myself in some truly amazing international art work. From NO SENSE to NONSENSE and it's all good. That's been the motto for the last week. It was great to reconnect with the group Forced Entertainment and see their inspiring work 'Bloody Mess'. To see how they deconstruct the narrative form of story telling and restructure a very rehearsed, entertaining and moving mess, achieved through improvisation sessions in the creation process. Whaaw, I loved it and it's everything I believe in performing art should be about, to engage an audience and to be with one in the space. An other fascinating group is Lone Twin from Britain. 2 guys who do stuff like line dancing for 12 hours or walk back and forth over a bridge for 18 hours in Norway or trying to make a cloud with their bodyheat. There is so much to do and see and I find myself running between venues to catch it all. I just remembered that I forgot to have dinner. Ahh well, next time! This is a fantastic indulgence, but my body does not seem to be very keen to adjust to the cold and I'm struggling, while some city folk walk around in T-shirts and shorts. BRRRRRRR......


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